"Everyone is a quality person" - Hualian Semiconductor deeply cultivates a quality culture and vigorously promotes the implementation of the AEC-Q004 zero defect guiding principle by all employees to ensure the products’ quality and reliability. From the beginning of product design to the customer's usage stage, Hualian Semiconductor implements complete management, close attention, tracking and ensuring the reliability of all projects related to quality and reliability throughout the product lifecycle. The Relevant tests comply with JEDEC, AEC-Q100 and other industry standards.
·High Temperature Operating Life (HTOL)
·Early Usage Failure Rate (ELFR)
·Durable life
·Data retention
·Pre processing (PC)
·High Accelerated Stress Test (HAST)
·Temperature Cycle (TC)
·Power Temperature Cycle (PTC)
·High temperature storage (HTS)
·Electrostatic discharge (ESD) and latch (LU)
·Solderability Test (SD)
·Board level reliability (BLR)
(Reliability Management Flow)
(Failure Analysis Flow)